Friday, November 20, 2009

Day 2: Gleek at heart

Today I went running with my good friend Brad at Ala Moana Beach Park. He commented that I watch too much T.V. In my defense, Glee is one of my favorite shows ever! It is what I look forward to each week! I am happy when it is Monday because I look forward to a new episode on Wednesday, and on Thursday, I eagerly await for next week's episode.   

Glee is described as an American musical/comedy/drama. I watch the show for all those reasons and a plus is that the cast is REALLY good looking. Finn (Corey Monteith) is so dreamy. (don't worry, Mike is still my number 1) The singing and dancing always puts me in a happy mood and makes me want to break out in song! It reminds me how wonderful life and and how fun it can be! 

In yesterday's episode I absolutely loved the last song that the the class sang to Finn and Quinn, Lean on Me by Bill Withers. To all my wonderful family and friends, love you! Thank you for making me GLEEful and you can always call on me when you need a hand :)   


  1. So, I didn't see a TV anywhere in your apartment... looks like there's more "window watching" and "cutest BF ever" watching than TV. Sorry, Brad, just going on what I see. :-D

  2. LOL, thanks Alex...I watch on HULU.COM! I have a computer and internet! :D

  3. I think I actually saw this episode!
